Friday, March 26, 2010

Epub editions NOW AVAILABLE!

For anyone who still pays attention to this blog, just wanted to make my loyal fans aware that I'm converting most of my fiction into Epub format, suitable for Kindle use, and available on my site. I do want to apologize due to the first version of Bean Counter on Epub being corrupt, and if you ran into that problem please let me know and I'll make it up to you somehow. The problem should be fixed, now, so have at it.

Also, I finished the revised-and-expanded version of Cock of Ages, now titled Casanova's Butterfly, and have turned it over to my agent and attorney. If nothing else comes of it I'll publish it on my lulu site, but until then I'm keeping it under wraps. Not that I want to torment you (actually, that sounds kind of fun) but I don't want there to be any issues for publishing.

SO! Creamer is back and ready to get to writing more stuff Real Soon Now. My third anthology, Stranger Danger, is nearing completion, and there will be new chapters for both Second Wife and Geek's Revenge soon.

Thanks for reading my stuff!